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IEA NewsBriefs - August 2022


Dear IEA Community

As 2022 nears its ends, we would like to take this opportunity to extend our appreciation to the IEA community for their contributions to the IEA NewsBriefs over the course of this year. The contributions received thus far served to showcase HFE developments across the globe, and have also helped us to introduce and connect the IEA community to a diverse range of opportunities and professionals that they may not normally have crossed paths with. We invite you all to continue to share any updates on HFE related developments, events or activities by getting in contact with the IEA NewsBriefs editor (

In this edition of the IEA NewsBriefs we say "tena koutou" to the HFE society in Aotearoa New Zealand, which is featured in this edition of the IEA Societies Spotlight. We also bring you exciting updates on HFE events coming up soon. Enjoy!


Deadlines extended! IEA/Tsinghua and IEA/Kingfar Student Award nominations closing 30 September 2022!

We are still accepting nominations for the IEA/Kingfar Student Award, given annually to reward high-quality original research and applications on new and emerging HFE issues or issues specifically related to industrially developing countries (IDCs), as well as to promote a career path in HFE. Nominees can be from any country including both IDCs and developed countries.

· The submitted research achievement should have been accomplished by the nominated student prior to graduation from a doctoral program.

· The nominee must be a registered doctoral student or a doctoral candidate. Recent graduates who were awarded a doctoral degree within the past year may also be nominated for the student award.

Up to 8 PhD students/recent graduates can be recognised each year. The award amount is $1,000 for each student recipient.

The IEA/Tsinghua Award for Collaborative Human Factors/Ergonomics Education is given annually to honor persons (e.g., researchers, teachers) who, through international and/or inter- regional collaboration, have made significant and outstanding contributions to the success of postgraduate educational programs that include human factors/ergonomics (HFE) courses or substantial HFE content in the curriculum. The intent of this award is to mobilize educators worldwide for HFE education. Up to four programs may be awarded. Each program may be represented by up to two nominees. The award consists of a monetary prize of $4,000 per selected program.

Further details on these two awards, including the nomination criteria can be accessed here for the IEA/Kingfar Student Award: and for the IEA/Tsinghua Awards here: The extended deadline for submission of applications for both awards is the 30th September, 2022.

Please note: We are not accepting additional nominations for the IEA/Kingfar Early Career Researcher Award.

Bereavement announcement: lkka Kourinka

The IEA was sad to learn that Ilkka Kourinka, President of the IEA from 1988 to 1991, had passed away. Ilkka worked at the renowned Finnish institute of Occupational Health and was recognised as a leading researcher, with visionary insight into the HFE field. Under his Presidency, the IEA undertook several initiatives to build up a better relationship with the International Labour Organization and the World Health Organization. This turned out to be successful: ILO agreed to support the development of a Checkpoints book for practical ergonomics interventions, primarily meant for industrially developing countries. This is still in use and other joint publications have followed. Our collaboration with the WHO also continues and has been formalised into the IEA's recognition as a non-state actor. Collaboration with the WHO exists on a number of activities today, not least related to patient safety and the Covid response. Ilkka Kourinka also encouraged the development of educational and professional certification standards, laying the basis of the IEA Core Competencies and certification endorsement criteria. We send our condolences to his family and those who knew and worked with him.


World Patient Safety Day

The WHO Patient Safety Flagship in Geneva announces the celebration of World Patient Safety Day on 17 September, 2022, with the theme "Medication Safety." The official WHO World Patient Safety Day 2022 campaign website is now active -

IEA supports this WHO event and encourages participation of all IEA member societies. WHO is promoting participation for a successful observation of the day in all countries, organizations and health care facilities across the world. Help make this year brighter than ever by advocating/ lighting up iconic place/s and monument/s in the colour orange! Join us in achieving Medication Without Harm!

Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact

Call for Submissions: The 14th Organizational Design and Management (ODAM) Conference. 11-13 July, 2023, Bordeaux, France.

Abstract submissions for the 14th Organizational Design and Management (ODAM) Conference are open until 15 October 2022. The conference is organized by the Department of Ergonomics of Complex Systems of the National Polytechnic Institute of Bordeaux (Bordeaux-INP) and the IEA ODAM Technical Committee. It is endorsed by the IEA, the French Speaking Ergonomics Society (SELF), the Federation of European Ergonomics Societies (FEES), and the Association for the Recognition of the Title of Ergonopean Ergonomist (ARTEE). This conference is scheduled to occur from 11-13 July 2023 under the theme "societal transitions and transformation of work: Intervening in organizations and on the work of managers". To get more information about the conference and to register, visit the conference website here: https://

Nordic Ergonomics Society 2022 Congress, 23-25 October in Uppsala, Sweden

The tentative program for NES2022, with the theme "Work Well - Ergonomics in an unpredictable world" is now available. Check the freshly made conference program on the conference website - under Program - or through this link: 2022/08/Program-at-a-glance-2022-08-21.pdf There will be three parallel sessions and practical workshops with a lot of interesting topics. The conference organizers are EHSS (Swedish Ergonomics and Human Factors Society) together with Uppsala University. EHSS is a member of the Nordic Ergonomics and Human Factors Society (NES), a federated member of IEA.

Upcoming Webinar on Resilience Engineering

The IEA – Resilience Engineering Technical Committee and the Resilience Engineering Association offer this webinar on leading research and development of practical applications on how to create resilience in complex systems on September 16th, 2022 from 12:00-13:00 UTC. The event allows participants to learn from other domains seeking to engineer resilience into their systems such as healthcare, critical infrastructure, energy, critical digital services, transportation (aviation, marine, rail), automation (self-driving cars, drones), emergency response, finance, and aerospace. Further information about the webinar can be found here: 2014/10/Webinar-Resilience-Engineering.pdf

If you are interested in attending, you may register here: register/WN_pVV-cDuBQ1qv5WoKZba9_Q

Talking about HFE to managers

A new guide aimed at helping industry leaders boost their organisations through adopting a human factors approach has been published by the International Ergonomics Association and its federated member society, the Charted Institute of Ergonomics and Human Factors of the United Kingdom. Giving Your Business the Human Factors Edge contains real-life examples of how the discipline can support everything from providing profits and cost savings to improving health and safety. It's packed with case studies and tips on how to introduce human factors thinking to an organisation. There's also advice on how to start a conversation around human factors and begin implementing changes to a business. Further information can be found here:


14th Slips, trips and falls conference, 22-23 July, 2022: Sendai, Japan

The 14th STF (Slips Trips and Falls) conference was held in Sendai, Japan on 22-23 July 2022. The conference was delivered in hybrid format with 84 delegates in attendance (33 on-site and 51 virtually) from 11 countries. The program included four keynote lectures by specialists in neuroscience, assistive technology, sports science, and robotics, and 45 oral presentations from diverse fields related to slips, trips, and falls.

Webinar Recording- The future of work and HFE from around the world

The IEA hosted the first webinar series on the future of work and HFE around the world on 17 August 2022 at 08h00 (UTC). A recording of this webinar, which focused on the "State of science: the future of work – ergonomics and human factors contributions to the field" perspectives from Australia and New Zealand, is now available for those who missed this insightful webinar and for those who would like to rewatch. You may access the webinar recording on the IEA YouTube channel here:


Located in the southwestern Pacific Ocean in Aotearoa New Zealand, is the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of New Zealand (HFESNZ), a society whose endeavors align to their motto of "making life work better, together". We thank HFESNZ for so willingly sharing information about their society and some of the initiatives that they have in place to advance HFE.

If your HFE society would like to be featured in future editions of the IEA NewsBriefs please get in touch with the IEA NewsBriefs editor (


In 1966 the Ergonomics Society of Australia and New Zealand (ESANZ) was established as an integrated society encompassing ergonomics experts from both Aotearoa New Zealand and Australia. During these initial stages, only a handful of the members were from New Zealand, but gradually, local interest grew.

In 1986 an independent society, originally named the New Zealand Ergonomics Society (NZES) was established. Although run as independent societies, HFESNZ maintains strong links with the Australian society (now called the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of Australia). The inaugural NZES meeting in Palmerston North had 36 attendees. The first certified NZ Ergonomics were recognised in 1988. In 1991, the NZES became a federated member of IEA, and in 2007 the IEA endorsed NZES's certification system. In 2012 the society's name was changed to the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society of New Zealand (HFESNZ) to align with worldwide understanding of the sector.

HFESNZ currently has approximately 100 members, most of whom are general members. They have 16 certified professional members, 7 associate professional members (which is a level below full certification), 2 technical professional members (individuals with more specialised expertise), 4 student members and 10 life members.

HFESNZ fact sheet

· Established: 1986

· Approximate number of members: approximately 100 members

· Approximate number of certified HFE professionals: 16

Overview of HFESNZ activities

One of the founding principles of HFESNZ was that it be open to anyone with an interest in HFE. This foundation demonstrated commitment to a system based, participatory approach that continues to facilitate the small but vibrant HFE community. Although it has a small population, Aotearoa New Zealand holds a strong tradition of maintaining a high number of Certified HFE professionals per million of population. This is achieved through supportive informal networks, collaboration, and the Professional Affairs Board (PAB).

HFESNZ is a full member organisation of the Health & Safety Association NZ (HASANZ), which represents workplace health and safety professions in Aotearoa New Zealand and aims to raise professional standards. As part of HASANZ's work, it was recognised that the HFE workforce in Aotearoa New Zealand currently faces several challenges including poor stakeholder awareness of HFE, an ageing workforce, and relatively few new HFE professionals coming through due to insufficient educational pathways. In response to these barriers, funding was provided for a multi-year HFE Workforce Development Project. This ongoing project commenced in 2020 and entails the following:

· Reviewing the competency framework and membership categories,

· Developing a new NZ-based educational pathway for HFE professionals,

· Providing scholarships for postgraduate study in HFE,

· Developing a new mentoring programme, and

· Raising stakeholder knowledge to facilitate job creation.

For further information on the HFE Workforce Development Project, see: https://

HFESNZ members receive digital newsletters 8-9 times a year and have regular opportunities for continuing professional development and networking through virtual and in-person events, and a formal mentoring programme. HFESNZ runs annual conferences; the 2022 conference focuses on systems thinking and the future of HFE in New Zealand. Early career and student networking events are also being planned and undertaken for HFE community members within New Zealand.

HFESNZ also participates in initiatives to strengthen HFE awareness and education opportunities within New Zealand. Although HFESNZ is a small society, they have several special interest groups focusing on healthcare ergonomics, musculoskeletal disorders, transport and systems thinking. These special interest groups provide networking, learning events, and resources to their members. The society has also been developing connections with the Australian Aviation Psychology Association, to better support its members working in the area of aviation human factors.

Upcoming HFESNZ events

The HFESNZ 2022 conference will be held on 16 November 2022 in Wellington, New Zealand. This is a one-day in-person networking event with a range of sessions focusing on systems thinking and the future of HFE in New Zealand. The opening speaker will be Daniel Hummerdal, Head of Innovation at WorkSafe New Zealand. Details and registration are available at https://

In 2023 HFESNZ will be organizing a two-day conference which will be held in Arrowtown (near Queenstown). The call for abstracts will be opened in November/December 2022. Everyone is welcome to participate in HFESNZ conferences, including international visitors.

HFESNZ Membership

Anyone interested in HFE can join as a general member, and those with relevant expertise can apply for certification as a professional member. Registration details can be found on the website. Alternatively, interested individuals can contact HFESNZ by emailing


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Endereço: Av. Athos da Silveira Ramos, 274, CCMN - Prédio do NCE - Bloco C, Cidade Universitária

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