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IEA NewsBriefs / June 2022


Dear IEA Community

We are almost halfway through 2022! We hope that hearing and reading about the hard work being carried out by the IEA and global HFE community continues to inspire and make a difference to our readers. We will continue to showcase any research, practice, events, and through cultivating strategic relationships. In addition to informing you on some of these developments that contribute to the growth of our discipline and the advancement of our members. In this edition of the IEA NewsBriefs we report on some of these activities and also get to learn about the Sociedad De Ergonomistas De Mexico from North America. We trust you will find this edition informative. To include an item in a future edition of the IEA NewsBriefs, please email the Editor at:


FREE course on coping with complexity in socio-technical systems for post-graduate students and practitioners: 2 September-9 December 2022.

The Resilience Engineering Technical Committee will be offering a free course to post-graduate students and practitioners during the second semester of 2022. The title of the course is “Coping with Complexity in Socio-technical Systems: principles and practices for resilient performance”. The course will occur in the distance learning format as a series of lectures given by an international panel of leading scholars. There will be 15 meetings, 2.5-hour each, from the 2nd of September to the 9th of December. Guest participants may choose to attend either the whole course or only specific lectures. Participants who attend the whole course and complete the assignments will receive a certificate of completion. For registration and additional information, please contact Prof. Tarcisio Saurin at


Webinar: Modeling the structure and dynamics of socio-technical systems through network science: 16 September 2022

The IEA – Resilience Engineering Technical Committee and the Resilience Engineering Association will host a webinar that will share insights on how to create resilience in complex systems. The webinar will also share the latest on leading research and practical applications for designing more resilient systems in spite of the complexity. The webinar will take place on 16th September 2022 at 12h00 UTC. This one-hour event will allow participants to learn from other domains seeking to engineer resilience into their systems, including healthcare, critical infrastructure, energy, critical digital services, transportation (aviation, marine, rail), automation (self-driving cars, drones), emergency response, finance, and aerospace. Further information can be found here: To register, please follow this link:


In this edition of the IEA societies spotlight feature we profile the Sociedad De Ergonomistas De Mexico (SEMAC), in the southern part of Northern America. We are grateful to SEMAC for their contribution to the IEA NewsBriefs and for sharing their approach to increasing HFE awareness and implementation through targeted university interventions and partnering with government and allied disciplines.

If your society would like to be featured in future editions of the IEA NewsBriefs, please contact (


In Mexico, HFE is legislated and practiced across an array of industries. Following initiatives to raise awareness, improve HFE education, and with the support of the government, HFE continues to grow in Mexico. The Sociedad De Ergonomistas De Mexico (SEMAC), a representative body for ergonomists in Mexico, has played a key role in developing HFE within Mexico. Just five (5) years after its establishment in 1995, SEMAC received legal recognition by the Mexican government in January 2000 and has since managed to grow its membership base to 1122 members.

SEMAC fact sheet

  • Established: 1995

  • Approximate number of members: 1122 members comprised of 372 professionals and 750 students

  • Approximate number of certified HFE professionals: 130

  • Website:

Overview of SEMAC activities

As a representative body for ergonomists, SEMAC organises, supports and at times also sponsors, several HFE initiatives including educational programs, courses conferences and events. This includes the “University Chapters” that were initiated by SEMAC in 2013 with the aim of providing HFE educational support to universities and students across different fields. This targeted intervention has contributed to SEMAC’s membership being dominated by this cohort (66%), with 750 of the 1122 members being students. This strategy will surely contribute to the sustainability of the society and the growth of HFE professionals over time.

SEMAC also organises and hosts the International Ergonomics Congress. In 2022, the 28th edition of this congress will be hosted in Merida, Yucatán, Mexico from 5 – 8 October 2022, details for which can be found here:

SEMAC recognises that in order to improve awareness and promote the implementation of HFE, there is a need to support allied professions and organisations. In line with this, and from as far back as 1998, SEMAC supported the development of occupational health in Central America and the Caribbean by contributing to the formation of the Central America and Caribbean Occupational Health Federation (FECACSO). Additionally, the society continues to support the formation of other HFE societies in Central America and the Caribbean.

SEMAC Membership

All HFE practitioners, academics and students that want to learn more about the discipline are welcome to register to be members and partake in SEMAC activities. Further membership registration details can be found on SEMAC’s website (


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ABERGO - Associação Brasileira de Ergonomia e Fatores Humanos

CNPJ: 28.003.218/0001-19

Endereço: Av. Athos da Silveira Ramos, 274, CCMN - Prédio do NCE - Bloco C, Cidade Universitária

Ilha do Fundão - Rio de Janeiro - RJ - CEP: 21941-916 

WhatsApp: (21) 99513-8465  E-mail: 

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